Wednesday 15 March 2017

Munzeeing today

I've been out in the garden today, but only really to hang out the washing and to check whether the greenhouse needed watering, and to eat lunch in the gorgeous sunshine we have had today.

However, this morning my son and I did go out in the sunshine to do some munzeeing. If you haven't ever heard of Munzee before, then basically around the world are millions and millions of QR code stickers than have been placed by munzee players, and there is a phone app that tells you where they are and you can go and scan them for munzee points. I really enjoy it, simply because it gets me out walking in new places. Of course, not every QR code is a munzee, just ones deployed by Munzee players.

If you scan this munzee with the Munzee app, then you will get 50 points. Go on, try it!

Anyway, my son and I went and deployed 10 munzees each today and enjoyed a very sunshiny walk. We came back and designed a 'munzee garden' in the shape of a Minecraft creeper and are hoping that lots of munzee players will use our Google doc to place munzees to make the creeper - and then we (and others!) can go and capture the virtual munzees. Already 4 munzees out of the 100 needed have been placed :-) We have shared the document with munzee players worldwide on various Facebook groups.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

The Front Garden

This is some of the flowers in our front garden today. A little primrose boldly blooming in the grass, a row of bright dancing daffodils in full bloom, and our gorgeous purple heather which is looking wonderful this year. 

In the back garden, I moved some more seed trays into the new greenhouse from my bedroom windowsill (!!) I was amazed to see that the tomato seeds that I planted only on At the weekend had started germinating! I counted 4 or 5 tiny little white shoots coming from seeds. I love watching them grow!

Spring has arrived

Spring has arrived! Yesterday I went out and bought myself a new greenhouse. It is big enough to walk inside, so will be a nice place to hide out whatever the weather. It is big enough for 12 seed trays, so together with our little other greenhouse we have room for about 20 seed trays.

The vegetable patches are dug over, although I probably need to add some more compost to them before I plant more seeds. I have already planted some carrots and lettuce in them.

Also growing in the greenhouses are Marigolds, Lobelia, Alysum, Tomatoes, Busy Lizzies and Begonias. Now that I have a bit more room, I want to get some peppers and cucumbers started, and some courgettes.

Also in my photo you can see the lupins are looking healthy in the middle picture and the daffodils are out amongst the purple Hebes. Excitingly, we now have rhubarb in the garden - my inlaws gave me a couple of crowns at Christmas from their Rhubarb plant. And the final picture shows the peonies beginning to shoot.